
Best pancake recipe

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Hello world!

Today I have brought a delicious pancake for every age group.This wheat flour pancakes are made effortlessly within 10 minutes and can be an excellent dessert this festive season.

Pancakes are one of the most searched food types.These pancakes are made using simple kitchen ingredients as what’s in kitchen storage is definitely a win win.How to make pancakes?well there are so many variations in pancakes and this pancake is a must try.

With changing times pancakes have become very popular among children and have become one of the healthiest option.Well to make it healthy, it all depends upon the ingredients you use.




Today’s pancake is a very simple way to give a change to your regular fooding.I have used wheat flour as an healthier option and jaggery powder in replacement of sugar.

Specialities of this pancake

  • Simple to make
  • Made using easily available ingredients
  • A healthy breakfast option
  • Less cooking time
  • Delicious in taste
  • Easy recipe
  • Appropriate for children or adults

Why to use wheat flour

Wheat flour has long been used as a staple in many countries because of its health benefits and nutritional values.It is primarily used to make tortillas or bread.Using it for making pancake is definitely a great idea to reap the health benefits.In India wheat flour pancakes are very traditional and prepared in different regions in many different ways during Festive days.

Why to use jaggery over sugar?

While sugar undergoes extreme processing,jaggery can be used as a healthier alternative.Jaggery is unrefined and retains more minerals.

Ingridients to make pancake

  • 2 cups wheat flour
  • 4 tablespoon jaggery
  • Nutella/peanut butter as a spread
  • Dryfruit mixture to garnish

How to make pancake

Start making pancake by simply making a semi thick batter of wheat flour and jaggery.

Pancake batter made using wheat flour and jaggery

Do this preparation 15 minutes before so that both the ingredients mix up well with each other.Now preheat a nonstick pan on medium flame and spread the batter into small round shapes.

The batter of pancake has been spreaded in round shapes

Pour some dryfruit mixture on each pancakes, so that it sticks well.Now pour small quantity of melted butter or oil around the edges of the pancakes.

Dryfruit mixture has been added to the pancake

Cook in low to medium flame.As soon as the pancakes start to become dry and well cooked,transfer it to a plate and spread Nutella for a chocolaty flavor and taste.You can also spread peanut butter.


Try this recipe and do share with friends and family.Make sure to not waste food and cook only the required quantity🙏

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