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Baigan Bharta recipe/eggplant mashed curry recipe

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The super delicious baigan bharta

Hello everyone

Are you a fan of baigan/eggplant and the delicacies made out of it..So here I m to share with you all, my recipe to make baigan Bharta which is super delicious..baigan or eggplant is a regular veggie in our kitchen..And many dishes are being made out of it..but today I have brought one of the easiest yet the most delicious recipe that is baigan bharta/eggplant mashed curry which is very famous in Indian homes..We all make baigan bharta in some or the other different ways…I was curious enough to share my recipe to make baigan bharta which is soo yummy in taste and the flavor of garlics makes it even more tasty..though its a simple recipe, we often forget to make this delicacy at times..So anyday you are in a hurry and wish to go for an easy curry, baigan bharta makes its way..☺

Roll it with your roti/tortilla or grab it with daal chawal, you will not regret the taste..So let’s start making this super simple yet delicious baigan bharta..





2 medium sized eggplant/baigan

1 finely chopped onion

7 to 8 chopped garlic

1 table spoon chopped curry leaves

1/3 tea spoon haldi/turmeric powder

1/2 tea spoon chilly powder

Sale to taste

2 table spoon mustard oil

1 tea spoon mustard seeds

Tip:-you can use other cooking oil if you don’t use mustard oil..The flavor of mustard oil goes really well with baigan Bharta,also there we get a very warm color in our food.




As making baigan bharta or eggplant messed curry is a very simple recipe, it does not really need too much effort to make this delicacy, just go through the simple process..

Wash off your baigan..give a scratch in between for a deep roasting..As baigan Bharta is made by roasting the baigan on direct flame, it has a very authentic smokey flavor which makes it different from other types of Bharta or curry..

Now roast the baigan/eggplants directly on flame by flipping it time to time..make sure your flame is in medium..roast well..

Baigans are being roasted in medium flame

As soon as the baigans get roasted well..it will become soft to touch..remove it from the gas and let it cool down for 5 minutes.. now take a bowl of water and remove the burned skin out of it by dipping your fingers in the bowl time to time for a clean peel off..

Mess it well using a masher …now put a pan on the gas..add oil..let the oil be hot..now add the mustard seeds and curry leaves..as soon as the seeds starts to pop add the garlics into it..then add the chopped onions..mix well..cook in medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes and then add the turmeric powder and chilli powder..mix well..then put the mashed baigan/eggplant into it..mix well..add salt..cook for 2 minutes in medium flame and the super delicious baigan Bharta is ready to be on your plate..

This is soo good






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