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How to make Sewaiya kheer/sewayian kheer recipe

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This is one of simplest and the most tasty dessert anyone can make..It is made using sewaiya that is known as vermicelli pasta by rosting it in butter and then by putting it in thickened milk.

Hello guys

Welcome to the home-cooked delicacies..Desserts are one of the most craved food items everywhere..but home-cooked are the most tastiest and different than the other ones..Today I have brought a delicious dessert recipe Sewaiyan kheer which is a very simple and delicious Indian dessert..You can amake it on the normal days as well as on occasions and festivals..

It has a pudding like thick texture and the taste is yum…

So let’s make this yum quick..


1 cup of vermicelli/sewaiyaan

1 liter milk

1 cup sugar

1 tea spoon cardamom powder

1 table spoon ghee/non salted butter

Nuts of your choice (optional)

Safforn/kesar for an amazing flavor and color





To make sewaiya kheer,firstly roast the sewaiya..put a pan on the gas, let it be hot, then add the ghee into it..put the sewaiya into it and roast in medium flame until it becomes golden brown.

Keep it aside..add milk in a oval pan and put it on medium flame to let it boil..lower the flame and boil the milk until it becomes half by stirring it time to time..hen put the roasted sewaiya/vermicelli into it..stir well..keep stirring in between in medium flame…after some time of boiling, you will see the milk thickens a bit more..now put the sugar into it..mix well..the sugar will melt..in this period of time make sure to stir more frequently to avoid it to stick into the pan..now add the cardamom powder for a very authentic flavor.mix well..keep stirring till the mixture becomes semi thick..put some saffron strings and chopped nuts of your choice..mix well and switch off the gas..let it cool down a bit to grab the delicious taste..this is as delicious as it looks..

Don’t forget to try this yumm👍👍enjoy


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