
How to make rice pancakes/chawal chilla recipe

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Fluffy Rice pancakes

Hello world!!

Searching for a healthy and tasty breakfast recipe??stop here. So today I have brought a very fluffy rice pancake recipe which is absolutely soft to bite and delicious in tatse..This pancake recipe is introduced to me recently by my mom and the texture and tatse turned out really well..Pancakes are the best during breakfast or snack times..and if you want to enhance the taste more you can add small chopped veggies like the onions, capsicum and carrots into the batter but I have made it plain and its just absolutely good to go with your favorite chutney and sauce..I prefer it with chana daal chutney or tomato sauce..I have already put the recipe for chana daal chutney which can be combined with foods like, dhokla,dosa,idly etc.





Making this rice pancake is a very simple recipe but the wonder ingredient added into it for the softness and fluffy texture is, flattened rice/poha..As we all know that making rice pancakes/chawal chilla solely with rice, makes the texture of the pancake harder and drier but this particular ingredient makes it softer and fluffier in texture..To make this rice pancake, another important thing to note is, to soak the rice and flattened rice together atleast 2 hours before grinding and also letting it to ferment for 8 to 10 hours..in this process the batter doesn’t really ferment too much but just gets the correct texture and smoothness to make the pancakes fluffier.



3 cups of mota chawal/matta rice/rice used to make pancakes

1 cup flattened rice/poha

1 tablespoon salt

2 pinches of baking soda

1 teaspoon of cumin seeds(optional)

Veggies (optional)



Simply soak the rice and flattened rice by washing off well for atleast 2 hours..After that grind it finely in a mixer grinder jar..The texture of the batter must be semi thick, so make sure to be mindful while using water when grinding..now pour the batter into a container..add salt, cumin seeds and baking soda..keep it in room temperature for atleast 8 to 10 hours for a very fluffier texture..also a bit fermentation makes it mildly sour, which enhances the taste..

Rice batter

Now heat a flat pan on high flame and grease it with oil to let the pancakes come out easily..then pour each one using an oval spoon exactly as you make a pancake..pour 1/2 table spoon oil each side while flipping to roast well, also to let the pancakes come out easily.

Batter has been poured on the heated pan.

The bubbles are a sign of the pancakes turning soft and fluffy..flip the rice pancake when the top part becomes dry to touch..

I have flipped the pancake

Now as you can see how beautifully it has been cooked..do the same both the sides and the pancaks are ready to be served with your favorite sauce and chutney.


Rice pancake/chawal chilla

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