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How to cook long beans/barbati sabji

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This is one of the most regular and nice recipe..every once in a while,we all cook long beans/shake beans..but Today I have brought the recipe of how we cook long bean in our family..Its a super simple recipe, We mostly mix potato with these long beans for an even more enhanced taste..The combination is absolutely good..In this season of rain it is one of our go to recipe at home

Being a green vegetable it is healthy enough to include in our diet..Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, it is also been included in weight loss diet…when cooked the right way , it tastes absolutely delicious.I like this vegetable exactly as the recipe I have come with today.

Simple veggie, simple cooking , straight from kitchen and regular home cooked delicacy..So let’s start cooking this fried long beans.


2 cups chopped longs beans

1 cup chopped potato

Tip:- chop potato according to the size of long beans

3 table spoon mustard oil

1 tea spoon chilli powder

1 table spoon coriander powder/Dhania powder

1/2 tea spoon turmeric powder

Salt to taste

1 tea spoon mustard seeds



Take an oval pan or kadhai..let it be dry completely..add oil..let it be hot until the bubbles formed are gone completely..Tip:- when we cook in mustard oil, we need to cook the oil first to avoid the strongness of the oil..just wait until the bubbles are gone..cooking in mustard oil gives food a very warm natural color and mild mustard flavor, which tastes really good in some curries.

So, after the oil is hot, simply add the mustard seeds, then it will pop , put the chopped long beans and potatoes into it .mix well..add salt and turmeric powder first..cook for 2 minutes, then add the coriander powder and chilli powder into it.Mix well again..cook in medium flame for 3 to 4 minutes by mixing the veggies in between..then close the lid, lower the flame and wait until the potatoes becomes soft..We don’t need to wait for the beans to be cooked well because, if the potatoes are soft then the beans will definitely be cooked up because potato takes more time to be cooked then beans..

And the long beans curry is absolutely ready..do share how you cookn long beans.

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