How to make shrikhand/Shrikhand recipe

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This is one if the most yummy and classic shrikhand recipe.

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Today’s recipe is all about a traditional dessert called as Srikhand. Before going to the details of this recipe, let’s know more about shrikhand. Shrikhand is basically a dessert made out of strained yogurt.It is one of the most traditional and delicious Indian cuisine originally from maharashtra..The recipe of this dessert is quite simple but the taste is as delicious and creamy as it looks..Shrikhand is served mainly with deep fried puris and also as a part maharashtran thali..

The texture of shrikhand is creamy and soft..the main process in making shrikhand is to strain the water out of the yogurt completely to make it thick and creamy..As it is said that the lighter the better, it is important to blend the yogurt clockwise using a hand blender until it turns light, creamy and soft in texture just like whipped cream used for cakes..

So, if you ever wondered about how to make shrikhand or you thought about knowing the easiest recipe for Srikhand, then don’t forget to go through the process..So let’s start making shrikhand by listing the ungridients first-


500 g.m fresh yogurt

200 g.m powdered sugar

1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder

Nuts of your choice for extra taste(optional)

6 to 7 strings saffron for color and flavor


Before making shrikhand , arrange a thin cotton clean cloth to strain water completely out of the yogurt.Take the cloth , put it inside a strainer to hold it the right way..pour the curd and strain the water as much as possible by twisting the cloth tight.

Straining water out of the yogurt

Now after the maximum water has been removed..hang the yogurt in a safe place for 1 and 1/2 hour to get rid of all the access water to get the correct creamy texture.You can hang it on your sink tap or any of the clean space you have..

Now after 1 and 1/2 hour,simply get all the yogurt out of the cloth in a container and start blending clockwise using a hand blender for about 10 minutes to get the correct texture..Now mix powdered sugar and cardamom powder..

If you are using saffron, put it too..start mixing again for 5 minutes to let the sugar be completely mixed add the nuts of your choice and mix well..refrigerate for 1/2an hour to settle the texture of shrikhand..And the most delicious shrikhand is ready..have this traditional Indian delicacy with puri, tortilla or bread..

Note-you can adjust the ratio of sugar if your yogurt is a bit sour.

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