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Why Indian foods are mostly yellow

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Hello world!!

As India is known to be a country of so many spices, tatses and flavors..Also the spices are not only used in food items but also known for its healing properties since ages..Since ancient times, many raw spices are used to heal diseases..The one topic that came to my mind to write about the yellow color in Indian food and dishes..And I myself wonder sometimes that its a ritual in our homes to put a pinch of turmeric in all the savory food and dishes and also you will see most of the dishes I have put in are yellow in color..So,the sole reason behind the beautiful yellow color is TURMERIC.

Turneric, which is also known as the healing spice in India since ancient times.

So let’s know more about turmeric and how it is being used since ages..

What is turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most common spices and used in curries and other dishes, that are mostly salty in taste..It is known to be one of the most widely used spice,which comes under one of the healing spices so many anti-inflammatory and anti bacterial properties which is used to treat skin diseases and many other forms of skin problems..




Turmeric has been used in Asia since centuries and has been a major part of traditional ayurveda..Turmeric has also been used as a dye because of the bright yellow color to dye the robes of monks and prists..It is a bit bitter in taste yet soo aromatic..Even in my family we use turmeric as way to treat cough and gold with added honey..It is also known to have digestive properties, for which it is used in food items as believed traditionally..So to summarize turmeric, it is basically a spice of health, color and flavor.So don’t forget to add a pinch of it in your foods and dishes.

Here are some of the Indian foods with added turmeric and with a beautiful yellow color.




This is delicious tadka daal made using green gram.
This is a very delicious potato stuffing which is used as a stuffing for samosa as well as you can use it in aloo paratha..
This is yellow gram cooked with a flavor of cardamom and cloves with an added flavor of turmeric.
This is classic aloo bhindi..famous across Indian homes.
Wow!!delicious gobi matar.

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