
What are the Benefits of stone apple/bael fruit

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Stone apple

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As summers is here so on the appetite to include fruits and juices have been increased.Today I have been reviewing the key benefits of stone apple/bael fruit.This golden pulpy fruit is one of the best bet to beat the heat of summer.Since the traditional times the demand of this stone apple has never changed during summers.




Stone apple is considered to be one of the best fruit to beat indigestion.Traditionally the pulp has been preserved by drying it up in summers to continue reaping the benefits the whole year..Packed with many health benefits and cooling properties, it is one of the most demanding fruit during summers.



A glass of stone apple juice

The natural sweetness of stone apple makes it a great choice for adults as well as children without adding any extra sugar.The preparation of bael juice or stone apple juice is simple enough.Take out all the soft pulp and squeeze in a glass of water. Add two pinches of salt and black pepper if you wish to..strain it to remove the seeds..



Key Benefits

Stone apple/wood apple is rich in fiber and vitamins.Hence it is good for digestion.

It reduces cholesterol.It is also believed to be healthy fruit for heart which helps in balancing cholesterol levels.

Because of its excellent anti-inflammatory property, it is known to be one of the most beneficial for skin health.It can be consumed in juice form, also the fresh pulp can be eaten directly with a spoon.

It’s antioxidant property helps in boosting immunity.Taking fresh wood apple during the season of monsoon helps in keeping away bacteria and viruses.

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